An empty well gives no water. This poster reinforces the need for self-care to “help fill your reserves.”
Keep self-care at the forefront with this poster that you can hang in your locker or other high visibility locations.
Type: Poster
Length: 1 page
Publication Date: December 2020
Agencies: National Suicide Awareness for Law Enforcement Officers Program
Topics: Officer Safety, Wellness, Resilience, Survive and Thrive, Special Groups, Campus, Corrections, Tribal/Territories, Rural, Executive, FTO, SRO
Superman has the Justice League. Batman has Robin. Who do you call when you need a friend? Use this poster to...
Superman has the Justice League. Batman has Robin. Who do you call when you need a friend? Use this poster to keep in mind that you need to be kind to yourself, take a break sometimes, and know that it’s okay to need a friend.