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Image for Functional Fitness: Stress Reduction and Optimized Performance

Functional Fitness: Stress Reduction and Optimized Performance

As a law enforcement officer, you know that your body is one of your greatest tools on the job. Your physical health can make all the difference when apprehending a subject, surviving a critical incident, and much more. However, some law enforcement officers de-prioritize their physical health and endanger themselves by not being physically prepared for the job. This panel discussion features lessons learned and techniques for making behavior changes based on promising practices and personal stories of law enforcement executive leaders from across the country. It will show officers how to improve their overall health and wellness through such simple tasks as maintaining a proper diet and getting quality sleep.

Type: Webinar
Length: 51:03
Publication Date: April 2022
Agencies: VALOR Officer Safety and Wellness Program
Topics: Wellness, Survive and Thrive
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