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Collection Name: VALOR Foundationals

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Image for Left of Bang

Left of Bang

The concept of left of bang focuses on staying ahead of adverse events. Be proactive instead of reactionary, and do what you can stay off the X.

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Image for Be Quick, Don't Hurry

Be Quick, Don't Hurry

When you are hurrying, you can be reckless; when you are quick, you are efficient. It is more important to be tactically safe than it is to be fast. Presented by: Chief David Flory (Retired) Lieutenant Floyd Wiley (Retired)

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Image for Can This Wait for Backup?

Can This Wait for Backup?

Make sure that you are putting yourself in the best tactical position by using all the resources available to you to stay safe. If you have backup available, slow down and take time to wait for a backup officer when it is tactically safe to do so. Presented by: Chief David Flory (retired) Lieutenant Floyd Wiley (retired)

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Image for CYA - Can You Articulate?

CYA - Can You Articulate?

Being able to effectively articulate your actions in the field is an important part of law enforcement. Make sure you can back up your decisions on paper with tactics, policy, and the law. Presented by: Chief John Bouthillette (retired) Chief David Flory (retired)

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Image for Do Something

Do Something

Training is key to everything done in law enforcement. Attending training is the first step in a process. It is important to take that training and make it operational. Take what you learn into the field to increase your competence and your experience. Presented by: Chief John Bouthillette (retired) Lieutenant Floyd Wiley (retired)

Image for Mission First, People Always

Mission First, People Always

Law enforcement is in the people business. The mission is important, but the people involved are just as important.

Image for Intentional Awareness

Intentional Awareness

Many factors play into being intentionally aware. Beating complacency, being hyper-vigilant versus vigilant, and being proactive instead of reactive a few things mentioned in this video. Presented by: Chief John Bouthillette (retired) Lieutenant Floyd Wiley (retired)

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Image for Lead By Example

Lead By Example

Anyone can be a leader. Anything officers have as an expectation for other officers is something they should be doing themselves. Don’t just talk the talk, walk the walk. Presented by: Chief John Bouthillette (retired) Chief Dan Stump (retired)

Image for Respect


Respect is an officer safety issue and is part of being a professional law enforcement officer. Be tactical and tactful.

Image for Training Matters

Training Matters

Maintain your training on a daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. Recognize how necessary training is to a law enforcement officer and seek training opportunities.

Image for WIN - What's Important Now?

WIN - What's Important Now?

What is the most critical thing that needs to be taken care of? Use the WIN decision-making tool to identify priorities and address the most critical needs first.

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